Tiquet Obert

Si no pot trobar una solució al seu problema a la base de coneixements, pot enviar un tiquet de suport triant el departament adequat abaix.

 Free Trial (48 hours)

If you want a 48hour trial to our services please open a ticket and we will try to help you accordinly.


General questions or conerns you have before signing up with us. No support questions.

 North American Server Support

Direct support/help for our North American Server. Quick replies.

 Arabic & European Server Support

Direct support/help for our Arabic & European Server. Quick replies.


Reseller, Restream, Affiliate inquires only.

 Refund (Cancellation)

Need to cancel or refund your account? Make sure you review: https://rocketstreams.tv/refund-policy - to be clear on our policy.